Would you like your cat to appear in our Calendar 2019?
It’s time to put together the Peterborough Cat Rescue Calendar 2019 and we’re asking you to submit your cat photographs.
We will choose the best from those submitted to appear in our fab calendar 2019.
Rules & Guidelines
Please only submit one photograph per cat.
Remember that when you take your pictures it’s always best to get as close to your subject as you can rather than relying on the zoom lens, that way your photo will always be the sharpest it can be. Try and avoid using filters as this too can sometimes make your images a bit fuzzy.
Sometimes when you send photos by social media the image quality gets reduced so much that we are unable to use them, so we would love it if you could email your photos to us instead.
Please send your photos to calendar.peterboroughcatrescue@gmail.com
If you have taken your photo on a phone or tablet and are emailing it from that device make sure you always select to send the biggest and best file size you can, this may say something like “Actual Size”.
If you have taken your photo on a digital camera make sure that you send us the original photo and not one that you’ve made smaller for any reason.
Have fun taking your photos, we really look forward to seeing them all