You can contact us on our helpline number or use our online form

Helpline: 07502 134006

Please leave a message when prompted and someone will call you back the same day.

In an emergency, please call us for:

– Ill or injured cats;
– Any cat at risk of severe suffering or death;
– Pregnant or nursing cats outdoors and alone
– Cats under the age of six months old who are outdoors and alone (your best guess at their age is fine)

We do not have premises you can visit, our rescues are cared for in foster homes.
If you would like to offer a home to a cat or kitten, get in touch and we will organise a viewing or come along to one of our regular Homing Days.

We’re a busy volunteer run charity, so please be patient. You can also message us via our Facebook page

Please note, we do not have the power to seize cats from uncooperative owners
If you suspect cruelty or neglect please call the RSPCA cruelty hotline on 0300 1234 999


Registered Charity No: 1153044